Friday, August 1, 2008

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment from a psychotherapeutic perspective

You can recover from drug addiction with the help of psychotherapy. Clinical psychology as a scientific method offers drug addiction treatment. However, psychotherapy is a little different in approach.

Both analytic and dynamic psychotherapy models can offer you treatment in a social context instead of a hardcore scientific context, pretty much as in Christian drug treatment.

The reason behind this is that psychotherapy - at least some schools of psychotherapy - in fact deals with abstract notions. In my previous post about religious approaches to addiction treatment, I stated that many contemporary drug rehab centers are based on the assumption that if the addicts social and psychological factors change, the addictive behavior will change accordingly. So, psychotherapy also stays in that perspective although it is different than a religious approach.

Every process of psychological counseling is not the same but I can still provide examples to explain what I mean.

Well, here is this addicted person that seeks addiction help. There are reasons that the person is addicted. One possible reason for that may be that the person doesn't feel that he or she is an adult person but still have feelings of childhood. The person feels as a child but her body is an adult. Suppose that this person has nobody around her to give her the care as if she is a child. Now, this person should find her way into something that will feed her childish, infantile feelings and starts dealing with addictive substances.

I know that the example is not really comprehensive enough but I just tried to show how a psychotherapist would establish his assessment for addiction treatment. It is an abstract establishment. It is a different framework to understand her tendency to addictive substances. It is about reasons and bringing the reasons to one's consciousness so that he or she can deal better with them.

One drawback of such a psychotherapeutic process is that it takes time. It usually takes years to recover. Moreover, a talk therapy usually consists of weekly counseling, one hour per week. This may not be enough for an agitated person. If the status of addiction is very high then hospitalization or a drug rehabilitation center would help more.


live cricket said...

Alcohol is addictive stuff which is a form of ethanol used for sanitary medical and for creating artificial joy. It has been used by people since many years. Methanol and ethanol are types of alcohol. Withdrawal can be achieved with the help of alcohol addiction treatment centers

Anonymous said...

Drug Addiction Treatment
A comprehensive medical program targeted on minimizing or eliminating the effects of the complex illness of drug addiction.

It involves a variety of processes which depends on the characteristics of the patient and the kind of addictive drug being used. Drug addiction treatment does not only use a variety of scientifically based approaches but also include behavioral theraphy (such as counseling, cognitive theraphy, or psychotheraphy) and medication, or their combination thus typically this program incorporates many components, each directed to a particular aspect of the illness and its consequences so as to help the individual stop using drugs and maintain a drug-free lifestyle, while achieving productive functioning in the family, at work, and in society.

Addiction Treatment

Unknown said...

Alcohol addiction treatment is effective treatment for people who are suffering from the alcohol. This treatment prevents patients from lung cancer and kidney failure. This website gives the basic information regarding the production of alcohol by glucose, ethylene and synthesis gases.

Unknown said...

The drug rehabs are very beneficial for the troubled teens in the city. Here teenagers can learn the life skills they need from these schools. Here they also teach these children to fear and love god and to follow his teachings to live their life.

Unknown said...

The entire addiction treatment team is responsible and committed to designing a plan that will assist in preventing relapse for each patient. It is the patient's responsibility to follow it.Florida Rehabs

Intervention services said...

Addiction is a complex illness that must be treated as such. There are no absolutes in the world of substance abuse recovery. Family Intervention